DLL is a file extension, and any error associated with a DLL file is known as a DLL error. These errors can appear on any operating system, including Windows 8 and earlier. These issues are annoying, but you can use some troubleshooting steps to fix the errors. Here are some tips to help you fix these problems.

how to fix them

Well, fixing these issues can take a few minutes or a few hours depending on the type of error. If you want to resolve the errors on your own, you can use the troubleshooting and repair tips below.

Restart your PC

First of all, do nothing and just reboot your machine. Sometimes these errors are temporary and go away after a system reboot. If your machine is stuck and you are unable to press the reset button, then you need to press the power button of your PC to force restart it.

restore the files

Sometimes users delete important DLL files by accident. If this has happened to you, all you have to do is restore the files from your computer’s Recycle Bin. If your system shows messages like “DLL is missing” and “DLL not found”, this trick may work for you.

Scan your machine with antivirus software

It is important to note that the error messages can also appear due to infected system files. Actually, there is no missing dll file on your computer. It is only the virus that displays fake messages. To get rid of these fake messages, you just need to scan your computer.

Run a system restore

If you think the error appears due to a system or registry change you recently made, you can run a system restore.

Reinstall the apps

If you are trying to run an application that uses the DLL files on your system, you should try reinstalling the application. Hopefully this can fix the problem. This solution works in most cases, so don’t skip this step.

Update your system drivers

Sometimes important drivers related to your computer hardware are missing. For example, if the error message reads “Missing DLL”, you may want to check the appropriate website to download and update drivers for your computer.

Download Windows updates

Your system may ask you to download the latest updates. You will be notified in the system tray. Windows will download the important files including the DLL files which will fix the errors.

Repair the operating system

You should try to repair the operating system with a Windows installation disc. The repair installation can fix the errors and you won’t have any problems.

Reinstall the operating system

If all the above tips fail, you should go ahead and reinstall the operating system. This will clean the disk partition where you are going to install the operating system once again. Be sure to move your important files to another partition before reinstalling your operating system.

So, here are some tips to help you solve most DLL problems.