This is Part 2 of the How to Make Money Online series. Too many people, fed on the promise of easy work from home, try to start an internet business without doing the proper research. Often, those who do not do enough research make ill-informed decisions and end up choosing the first business that promises early wealth or simply act indecisive and try to have several businesses running at once.

None of these strategies will consistently show positive results. Almost every business on the Internet promises lots of cash with little effort, and almost all of them are scams. And as for trying to maintain multiple businesses, it forces you to overextend yourself and possibly miss out on fantastic opportunities.

There are countless ways to make money online, the main challenge lies in finding these promising strategies that have been proven to work, and the information that will guide you through each aspect for successful implementation.

Earlier in this series, you asked yourself four incredibly important questions.

1) How proficient am I in using computers? (On a scale of 1 to 5. Not at all = 1, very well versed = 5)

2) How self-disciplined am I? (We have a scale of 1-5. Undisciplined = 1, well disciplined = 5)

3) How optimistic am I? (We have a scale from 1 to 5. Pessimistic = 1, extremely optimistic = 5)

4) How much money can I risk for this business? (On a scale of 1 to 5. Absolutely none = 1, An unlimited amount = 5)

Previously, you answered each question with an appropriate score between one and five.

Although they are simple questions, these questions do an excellent job of discovering whether or not you may have online business aptitudes. It takes an immense amount of personal information.

Without fail, everyone who starts working in an online business is initially shocked by how much work it takes and how little income you get initially. The vast majority of people stop there and either give up entirely or start the process all over again.

Do everything you can to mitigate this potential failure by being brutally honest with yourself from the start. Please take a break for a moment and answer all the above questions completely honestly. (Remember that all answers must be numbers between one and five) Before you read on, make sure you have answered those questions.

Now that you have your answers, let’s take a moment to decide whether or not an online career is right for you. If your score didn’t go over eight, give up all thoughts of an internet-based career for now. You’re just not the type of person who could succeed at it. If you scored in the range between nine and twelve, you may be fine, but be sure to work on your computer literacy before you begin. Maybe he also marked himself lower in the positive outlook than he really is. This could be because he was in a terrible mood at the time he took the test. Please correct your scores now for those two different questions, if the original scores do not accurately represent you. (Again, remember that scores are only between one and five. There are no zeros.)

If you scored between 13 and 16, you should be absolutely fine to start an online business. If you somehow made it past sixteen, it’s incredibly likely that you’ll either succeed or lie to yourself.

About what’s next.

Now that you know you can (or can’t) succeed in the online business world, take the time to look at the myriad options out there for you as an Internet marketer.

In our fantastic next installment, we’ll take a look at each of these individual options and determine which would be the perfect match for you.