• “Hook.dll not found”
• “This application failed to start because hook.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.”
• “Can’t find [PATH]hook.dll”
• “The file hook.dll is missing.”
• “Can’t start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: hook.dll. please install [APPLICATION] again.”

You may have seen error messages like the ones above when you start your computer or open applications. Indicates that the hook.dll file is missing or corrupt.

We highly recommend that you run a quick DLL error scan on your PC to check for any DLL errors.

The DLL File Definition

DLL files report errors usually due to the fact that there is something wrong within the computer’s registry. Considering that DLL documents are considered as a huge database that includes program and operating program information, any kind of damage or corruption can be harmful.

Possible causes of Hook.dll error

Hook.dll is a process used by RKeylogger, Flodder.AOL.Ikobur, Let Me Rule!, Wiretap, Spylo PC Monitor, Spymon, and OverSpy. This file is located in the subfolder of C:Pragram Files.

In other cases hook.dll could be used by an unsafe program. It might get installed with some virus or Trojan that will harm your system.

DLL files are reporting errors mainly because there is something wrong with your computer’s registry. DLL error also appears after adding or removing a program or application from your computer. You receive a hook.dll error, most likely because the file is missing from your computer, or it was overwritten by another version of the Dll file. Furthermore, the error message also indicates faulty hardware.

How to fix Hook.dll error?

After you have a better understanding of the hook.dll file and the error, you should learn how to fix hook.dll related errors. Here are three steps to help you deal with the problem.

Step One: Find the Hook.dll Path
1. Go to Home > Search > select All files or folders
2. Type “hook.dll” in “All or part of the file name”
3. In “Search In”, choose “Local Hard Drivers” or “My Computer” for much better results
4. When the search is finished, choose “hook.dll” and copy the path in the address bar

Step Two: Unregister Hook.dll Files
1. Go to Start > Run > type “cmd” in the open box > click OK
2. Change directory, type “cd” > press Space > enter the full entry of the hook.dll file
. Type “directory path + regsvr32/u hook.dll” > press Enter

Step Three – Check for and remove other Hook.dll files
1. Go to > Run > type “cmd” into the open box > click OK
2. Type “dir/To folder name”
3. Type “cd name of folder” to change directory
4. When you find the desired file, type “del file name” to delete the file
5. If you want to delete a folder, “rmdir /S folder name”
6. Locate “hook.dll” > End Process

To ensure the safety and efficiency of your PC, get our DlllErrorsFix to fix Hook.dll errors in minutes.