Lean Syrup Side Effects

A variety of possible Wockhardt Lean Syrup Side Effects were recently brought to light. As with other natural appetite suppressants, there may be a number of side effects. However, these side effects are typically mild and will only last several hours, if at all. It is important to remember that the syrup is a stimulant, and as such may cause feelings of jittery nervousness or anxiety. These feelings should subside once the medication has been discontinued.

Other possible Wockhardt Lean Syrub Side Effects include a feeling of nausea, heartburn, excessive burping, upset stomach or diarrhea. You should not experience any of these symptoms after you begin taking the syrup. If you do experience one or more of these symptoms, speak with your physician immediately. These symptoms are often caused by an upset stomach and can often be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In some cases, you may want to schedule an appointment with a gastroenterologist to receive an accurate diagnosis.

Many people wonder how much Wockhardt Lean Syrup they should take each day. A dose recommendation would be one half teaspoon for adults, or one teaspoon for children, pregnant or breastfeeding. The syrup may also be diluted with water. The recommended amount of daily intake is two ounces. Some consumers also suggest that the syrup be refrigerated, which could help to prolong its shelf life.

Wockhardt Lean Syrup Side Effects

There are some potential complications from taking the syrup. If you become dehydrated or low on water, there is an increased chance of experiencing symptoms such as confusion, dizziness or even fainting. You may also develop a mild case of acidity and indigestion, and some individuals have reported stomach ulcerations. However, these side effects are generally mild and rarely become problematic.

As with any type of supplemental vitamin or mineral, it is important that you consult your physician before adding any product to your diet. You should also educate yourself about any potential side effects. This includes understanding how Wockhardt Lean Syrup works and what it can do for your body. It is important to remember that this product isn’t intended for everyone, so you should also talk to your healthcare provider before you begin using it. This will help ensure that you get the most benefit from it and minimize the likely hood of experiencing negative side effects.

If you experience any side effects, you should report these to the Wockhardt Company. If you aren’t sure whether or not you’ve been exposed to lead or other contaminants, a blood test will help determine that. However, the health and well-being of your unborn or newborn baby is more important. Therefore, talk to your doctor about the safety of using this type of nutritional supplement. They can advise you on the best course of use.