The definition of cunnilingus: the art of practicing oral sex with a woman. Well, with that out of the way, let’s not be too prudish in this current world. For the most part, relationships require a lot of work and constant attention. It is a lot like gardening or raising an orange tree. You water, feed, prune and prune. So just when you thought you could relax, there are weeds and fungi to deal with. Never take your tree for granted. That is where my suggestions can help. Some involve tasting the fruit. It may involve licking, squeezing, and tasting the fruit. You need to balance your watering schedule so you don’t feel sloppy. So you should offer some special fertilizer treats every now and then, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

If you’re reading this article to gain some insight into the art of pleasing your partner, then great. You need to take care of them and make plans to make them feel loved. So, let’s examine some very basic steps in the process. In no particular order, here it goes.

  1. Be attentive to your needs – anticipate your wishes, even if it’s something simple like replacing your closet light bulb or toilet paper roll.
  2. Congratulate them: everyone needs reassurance about their body and mind.
  3. Do things together: Whether it’s just a shopping trip or a visit with a friend or family member, ask if they want to go.
  4. Make your home comfortable: Do you have a nice chair, desk, or other place to relax and enjoy being alone? Is the temperature in the house correct?
  5. Buy her something sexy: from pajamas to lingerie, take her to Victoria’s Secret and choose something together.
  6. Plan a romantic getaway – even if it’s dinner or a night at a local hotel.
  7. Remember all the special occasions: with flowers and / and a card. That includes the anniversary of the day they met, their birthday, holidays, etc.
  8. Be nice to her friends and family – Even if you can’t stand her Aunt Mary or her friend Sally, overlook their flaws and try a little harder. She will appreciate the effort.
  9. Don’t be too picky – it sure can be a disaster or always be late. Don’t always point out her flaws and make her feel bad. She hurts easily
  10. Have sex as often as she wants – and when you do, start with foreplay and then some cunnilingus, before the final act. She will love it, believe me.

If you don’t know how to orally please her, surf the web for more information or get a DVD. For the other nine ideas, they are more common sense than anything else. Remember, it’s about her and you come second, sometimes quite literally. Love is more than sex; it’s about the little things that can set the mood and make a difference. Sometimes I write her a short note to find her in the morning or buy her something that I think she will like. It may just be a bag of your favorite snacks, but it shows you were thinking about it while you were at the store. Call her from the office just to tell her you love her. Or send him a text message or send him an email. But show that you are interested.

None of these suggestions are expensive or time-consuming, so you have no excuses. Be careful and try the obvious. Walk around and caress her neck and tell her that you love her. Kiss her at the same time every day as I do. It was the exact moment when we said, “Yes, I do.” Snuggle up to bed at night and always kiss her good night. When you two leave for work in the morning, always kiss her and tell her you love her. It may be your last chance. Five years ago, I kissed my wife of 30 years goodbye while leaving for work. He died later that morning of a heart attack. Therefore, I have no regrets and advise you to do the same. Do the 10 things listed here (and think of 10 more) and you will have a happier life together. And if you only remember one thing, remember that it’s about HER!