Air conditioners regulate indoor temperatures during hot days, keep out pollutants and pollutants, and maintain comfortable humidity levels in the home. Despite the amount of use that air conditioning units receive, many homeowners wait until small problems become big problems to schedule an air conditioning repair service. Here are some common reasons for repair calls.

Lack of maintenance

When it comes to keeping an HVAC unit in good working order, regular maintenance is key. A routine tune-up can help keep units running all summer long. When homeowners neglect regular maintenance, small problems can turn into expensive headaches. Remember, technicians can spot damage before it causes a bigger problem.

Moisture inside the system

Air conditioning units are designed to reduce the risk of moisture buildup in the system. A central drain line channels excess moisture to the outside, where it can’t harm your home. However, if the drain line becomes clogged, water can collect inside the system and lead to corrosion, mold, and even electrical problems. Additionally, moisture buildup can attract pests that can damage other parts of the home. These repairs require an experienced professional and should not be handled by the owner.

Overused and overworked air conditioning units

During the hottest days of summer, many homeowners run their systems continuously. While this keeps homes cooler, it can also damage the air conditioning unit. Constant use puts a lot of stress on the system and can cause serious damage when the unit is not properly maintained. An overused unit can even stop working, resulting in an expensive air conditioner repair that probably could have been avoided with a routine maintenance appointment.

Inadequately sized AC units

When a technician installs a unit, they always look at the size of the house to determine which unit will work best. If a unit is too small to cool a home properly, the air conditioner can break down, forcing the homeowner to call an air conditioning repair technician to assess the problem. It is important to note that unless the unit is upgraded or supported by additional units, an undersized air conditioner is likely to break again after repairs.

faulty wiring

When an unlicensed contractor or handyman installs an air conditioning unit, they may not be familiar with the proper safety protocols for the installation and could wire the unit incorrectly. If this is the case, the air conditioner will not work as efficiently and may even be a fire hazard. Homeowners who notice that their unit is running without cooling the room or that the circuit breaker is constantly tripping should schedule an appointment immediately.

Avoid these common repair problems by scheduling routine maintenance each year. Call a local air conditioning repair expert to be ready for summer before it hits.