Subscriptions to mobile services had already passed the four billion mark at the end of 2008 and are expected to reach around six billion users. This makes advertising through mobile services a very efficient medium. Marketing experts believe that the future of advertising and marketing will be through the cell phone. According to Wikipedia, mobile web users outnumber PC and laptop users by a ratio of 5 to 1. It’s no surprise then that mobile advertising is becoming a key component in advertising campaigns. business marketing. Mobile advertising platforms provide vendors with an efficient means to showcase their products to a larger group of consumers.

How to choose the right mobile advertising platform for your business

Selecting the right mobile advertising platform is critical to a successful marketing campaign. Advertisers want a platform that reaches as many publishers as possible, for example app stores. As an advertiser, we need to consider the following factors when selecting a platform.

  • Identify the target audience and analyze it. This helps us choose our placements wisely by only placing ads on sites that are relevant to our products or services.
  • Analyze the objectives of our marketing campaign.
  • Mobile web ads are sold on a CPC (cost per click) or CPM (cost per thousand impressions) basis. We have to determine which one best suits our marketing campaign.
  • Determine if the platform has the right type of publishers to reach the target audience.
  • Select the right reporting tool to track campaign performance and understand user response.

Advantages of using the mobile advertising platform

Here are the advantages of using the mobile advertising platform:

  • Advertisers can get an immediate response from consumers.
  • Personal interactive communication is possible on a much larger scale.
  • Mobiles are highly personal devices, and people are always within reach of their mobiles compared to other mainstream platforms.
  • Mobiles have a massive reach compared to mainstream platforms. Even in developing countries there has been a huge growth in mobile subscriptions.

The mobile market is growing rapidly and companies are already taking advantage of the flood of mobile users. Even small businesses are using mobile advertising platforms to great advantage. If you too want to use this medium to enhance your business growth, visit right away!