Iertutil.dll is an important component used by Microsoft to help process the Internet Explorer program. Specifically, it is considered a crucial runtime component. Without the file, it is impossible for the Internet Explorer browser to function properly and smoothly. However, despite its functionality, there are also cases where the component can simply become problematic. Errors with the file usually occur when the browser is updated to its beta version of Internet Explorer 7. Often when the browser is updated to that version, various problems and glitches occur that eventually cause Internet Explorer 7 to suffer errors and eventually crash. . It is important to address the different issues that contribute to this error in order to fully troubleshoot the issue. Fortunately, the following sections will provide an idea on how to get rid of this problem.

What Causes the IertUtil.dll Error?

When the computer experiences this problem, the following message is displayed:

“Ordinal 313 could not be located in the dynamic link library iertutil.dll”

Typically, the root cause of a problematic iertutil.dll is a problem with the Internet Explorer program. Common problems with this application occur when a file is missing or has simply become corrupted or damaged. When the file becomes faulty, the computer specifically Windows will have a hard time reading the file correctly. Additionally, errors with the file can also be caused by errors in the registry. Users must identify the source or sources of the problem in order to correct it properly. This can be done through the following discussed steps.

How to Fix IertUtil.dll Errors on Your PC

One way to solve the problem is to manually replace the file. Replacing the file can help to get rid of any corruption or damage. After replacing this file, it is also important to remember that the file must be registered. To do this, follow these steps:

Download a fresh copy of the file from your original server, and then save it to your computer.

Find this location c: Windows System32. Find what exists iertutil.dll and rename the file to iertutilBACKUP.dll.

Copy the newly downloaded file and move it to this location C: Windows System32.

Click Start and then select Run.

In the Run box, type “cmd” and then type regsvr32 iertutil.dll“at the command prompt, and then press Enter. This process should ensure that the computer has a new file to access. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully. Any errors in these procedures can only lead to more problems.

Another important thing to do is clean the computer registry. Errors with this file are also triggered by registry errors, so it is important to make the registry clear of any faulty components. Basically, the registry contains all the files, settings, and applications that are used on the system. If one component of the registry goes haywire, the rest of the components will be affected as well. To clean the registry, download a registry cleaning application from the Internet. Make sure to download it from a reliable source.