I have recently been asked for information by parents on how to select the correct cricket bat. Most are thinking of buying a new bat for their son for Christmas. They are looking to buy the best bat, suitable for their child’s purpose, obviously they never want to spend too much money.

To start with, we need to discuss what size beats the child will need. This is relatively easy when using this ECB height chart. Please refer to the note below to verify that the size is correct.

Size 1…………Age 4 to 5…….Height – 4′ to 4’3″………Bat Height – 27 “

Size 2………….Age 6 to 7…….Height – 4’3″ to 4’6″…..Bat Height – 28″

Size 3…………Age 8…………Height – 4’6″ to 4’9″…..Bat Height – 29″

Size 4………….Age 9 to 10…..Height – 4’9″ to 4’11″…Bat Height – 30″

Size 5………….Age 10 to 12…Height – 4’11” to 5’2″….Bat Height – 31″

Size 6…………Age 12 to 14…Height – 5’2″ to 5’4″…Bat Height – 32″

Harrow…………Age 13 to 15….Height – 5’4″ to 5’8″…..Bat Height – 33″

Short Handle….Age 15+………..Height – 5’8″ to 6’4″…..Bat Height – 33.5″

Long Shaft….Age 15+…………Height – 6′ 4″ +………Bat Height – 34.5″

You should first measure your child’s height, then look along the chart to see what size is appropriate. When you have a bat to check if it is the correct size, do the following. Place your child in an upright position with the bat vertical to the right side of the body. In a natural stance with hands hanging to the side, fingertips should not be lower than the shoulder of the bat. If your child is growing rapidly, she may want to wait until her growth rate has slowed.

There are two types of willow that are used when making a cricket bat, English willow and Kashmiri willow. The English willow is slower growing, with the grains closer together and generally of better quality. There are also different grades within each type of wood. A bat should not have any knots on the face, although you can often find some small knots on the back or sides, but these must be very small or the life of the bat, even at junior level, will not last long. .

When our youngest player’s parents ask what kind of bat to buy, I usually suggest a Kashmir willow bat. Bats can be relatively cheap, around £25, but they can also cost up to £85. How can I justify a parent spending that much on a cricket bat when he’ll probably have outgrown it by the end of the season? A bat around £30 will be good enough and will last at least a year depending on the growth of the child. Young players won’t have the power or strength to break a Kashmiri bat at this age. It is worth noting that most still play Kwik Cricket and some come forward to play cricket balls (hard ball).

Try to choose a junior cricket bat that has a finger guard, as this will preserve the life of the bat, with less moisture escaping from the tip of the bat. If you don’t have a toe, be sure to apply flaxseed oil to this area on regular occasions.

When looking for a Junior bat you will find that most are about the same price, in fact some are the same bat with different stickers. Buying an adult bat is different and should be approached as such. The qualities of a bat vary greatly and I would not suggest a Kashmir Willow Bat beyond the age of 13. The price goes up dramatically, but so does the quality.

A word to keep in mind, though: how much money has been spent on producing the quality bat is reflected in the retail price, but sometimes more has been spent on bat-related player endorsement and marketing deals. Very often I’ll look for a decent bat that doesn’t have endorsement deals with Test Cricketer as it’s likely to be around £100 cheaper. Same quality goal, less marketing budget.

When you receive your new bat, be sure to prime it before use. Some manufacturers claim it will already be ‘Knocked in’, but double check. You may need to hit an old ball in a sock for up to 8 hours. You may even need a couple of coats of seed oil.

Teach the child that his bat is a piece of cricket equipment and NOT a toy. He must take care of himself, in the same way that an adult would take care of his bat. When placing it on the ground, it should always face up. Otherwise the face of the bat could get wet and when hitting a cricket ball it is likely to crack.