You never know when or how a message from the higher realms will appear in your life. And you also don’t know how that message will transform over time. Here is an example of one such message I received once.

A few days after the 9/11 attacks, I was taking a shower when I suddenly heard a very strong man’s voice say, “Do world peace guided meditations on PTTV.” I turned around, expecting to see an intruder in the bathroom, but there was no one. I shook my head in amazement at this strange occurrence and then continued with my shower.

After a few moments of silence, once again the voice said, “Do guided meditations for world peace on PTTV.” This time the voice was stronger and more determined.

“I don’t do guided meditations,” I announced to the disembodied voice. “I don’t even meditate. You have the wrong person, so he goes find someone else to do the meditations.”

This was put by silence…for a while. Then, once again, even louder, the voice commanded, “Do guided meditations for world peace on PTTV.”

“I don’t do meditations, guided or otherwise, and I have no idea what or where PTTV is. So go find the right person because it’s not me,” I said louder and louder this time.


“Well. That’s the end of that nonsense, ‘I thought’. I didn’t know how wrong I was.

The next day I had an appointment with a new coaching client at my home office. During the meet you portion of the session, he told me that he lived at the end of the Toandos Peninsula, or as we locals know it, the end of the world.

“What do you do to work all the way there?” I asked her.

“Oh, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. In fact, right after our session I’ll be going to town where I work at PTTV… you know, the local TV station… running one of the cameras.”

As soon as I was able to get my face off the ground, I told him about the visit and the message I had received the day before about the meditations for world peace.

“Great!” She answered. “I’ll talk to the station manager when I get there and let him know. I think he’ll want to do it.”

After she left, I thought I would never hear from her again. After all, it was a rather strange and crazy message that he had received. Again, I was so wrong! An hour after she left my house, he called me to say that the station manager was very excited about the idea of ​​meditation and that he wanted to meet with me right away to discuss the details.

So the next day I drove to Port Townsend (the PT part of PTTV) and met him. We talked about what he had to do and by when. I thought my biggest challenge would be finding people to do the meditations as I had no idea how to meditate. As it turned out, some of the local metaphysical people he knew were very happy to share his guided meditations.

The first person I called was a woman who does weekly meditations in her home. She was hesitant at first, however the idea of ​​helping promote world peace eventually won her over and we scheduled her first show.

At the agreed time we all arrived at the studio for the first Guided Meditation for World Peace on PTTV. After all the equipment was adjusted, she began. The manager had called me into the control room so that I could watch the show without disturbing my friend while she was giving the meditation instructions.

After a few minutes of listening to the guided meditation, I realized that I had tears running down my face. The manager turned and looked at me, and he had tears running down his face. We looked towards the stage just as the camera woman turned to look at us, and she too had tears running down her cheeks. We were all hugely overwhelmed with the incredibly powerful energy that the meditation was creating.

That session was one of six, all with a different person leading their version of a world peace meditation. Each meditation was unique and beautiful, but none compared to the power of the first. The station recorded all the sessions and played them over and over every day for years.

Did it prevent a war from happening after the 9/11 attacks? I can’t say for sure, but I do know that it changed the energy from fear to peace for many people. According to the station manager, they received more phone calls praying for that guided meditation than for any other program.

We are currently in a similar situation where our country is under attack and people are consumed with fear. The difference is that this time the enemy is a virus invisible to the human eye, which makes it even more terrifying. And it is not something that only our country is experiencing. It’s the whole planet.

It is a proven fact that when the human body experiences fear, the immune system is compromised. And it is also proven that depressed people tend to get sick more easily and more often. Because of this, now more than ever we must all do what we can to defend ourselves from the fear created by viral attacks. It has become vital that we now need this guided peace meditation to create the much needed inner peace that helps ward off this fear based energy.

A few years ago I was inspired to use my friend’s guided meditation for world peace with a little change for my personal use. The results were so promising that I started using it on other people suffering from emotional distress. I have now been using it for years to calm myself and others and am always delighted to see how quick and powerful it is to calm, soothe and bring peace to the recipient.

The setting is simply this: instead of displaying white light as per your instructions, I changed the light to pink. why pink? Because, as my spirit guides informed me, it is the color of Divine Love.

I was recently given this little meme and it seems appropriate for this application: Waves become tsunamis.

What this means is that the smallest of waves can become a tidal wave with the right amount of energy applied. So it is with the following meditation. Not only can you create a ripple of love energy for yourself by using this quick and easy visualization, but you can grow it into a tsunami of love energy by sharing it with the world.

There are three ways you can help create a world of love. One method is to use visualization daily and often. The other method is to share the viewing instructions with your friends and loved ones. The best way is to use both methods.

Guided meditation for a world of love: instructions

Below are the instructions for visualization/meditation to create a world of love. At each step, notice how you feel emotionally and physically.

1. Close your eyes and take three slow, smooth breaths. Breathe in through your nose, drawing the air deep into your belly, down to the pit of your stomach. Release each breath gently.

2. Visualize the pink energy of love surrounding you. Notice how it encompasses your entire body. Play with its thickness, the brightness of its light, its viscosity. Notice the comfort, calm and peace of that energy. Stay in the energy as long as you want.

3. Now expand the energy outward to include your entire house, inside and out. Stay with the image of the pink energy of love surrounding your home for as long as you like.

4. When you are ready, extend the energy of love outward to include your residential area, town, or city. With your inner vision observe the energy of love covering that area.

5. Next, increase the pink energy of love until it covers the entire country. Hold that vision for as long as you want.

6. Finally, grow the energy of love until it surrounds and encompasses the entire planet. Notice how the energy shines brighter and brighter as it gets larger. Stay with that vision for as long as you want.

Use this planetary love visualization at least once a day… and remember to share it with others.