A secret to a site that sells: Look at your site from your customer’s perspective. Another secret: watch out for these common web copy mistakes.

welcome to…nothing

Look at the web copy of your site. Does it start with “Welcome to…?” If so, get rid of it. It does not mean anything. He doesn’t talk to his customers. It’s just a waste of time and space for your customers. Instead of the tired “Welcome to…” phrase, try a statement that captures the essence of your company and explains it in terms that benefit your customers. Instead of “Welcome to Crazy Dave’s CD Emporium,” try “Crazy Dave’s CD Emporium,” where you can find quality CDs at unbelievable prices.

Where I go?

If you’re tracking your site metrics, look at your customer paths. How many customers go past the home page? If it is less than desired, there may be a problem with your site’s navigation. If you’re one of those people with mega content sites, add an internal search to help your customers find their way. If you have a smaller site, add navigation bars that update automatically when your site structures change or evolve.

“It’s all about me.”
Your site is supposed to be about your customers, not about you. Let’s face it: your clients don’t care about your Nobel Prize or that you were the first person to sell a condo on Jupiter; however, they do care how their experience can help them.

Quick tip: Visit their site. Does the copy contain more “we”, “me” and “me” statements than “you” and “yours”?

Marco Polo

Have you ever visited a site to sell the product and then, when you needed to ask a quick question, couldn’t find your contact information? The fix: Put at least one email address or phone number on every page, preferably at the top or bottom. Then put more detailed contact information on your contact page.

Little read but very important.
Just the presence of terms and conditions and privacy policies instills confidence in your product. It also puts the minds of your most anxious customers at ease.

Wave, doubtful, testimonials

Testimonials are the easiest and perhaps the best way to capture the attention and trust of your customers. But simple statements that your product is good won’t work. Detailed testimonials praising how much your product improved their work life. Another way to give testimonials more selling power is to get an image. Even better, get a picture with your customer using your product or benefiting from your service.