Given the option, most women would prefer to know how to shrink fibroids naturally rather than undergo expensive and often painful surgery, which is rarely a permanent cure. Unfortunately, the truth is, unless you remove the root causes of fibroids, they will grow back after conventional treatment.

Fibroids are not usually dangerous or life threatening and this can be both a benefit and, to some extent, a drawback. It puts women in the unique position of being able to take their time to consider what to do, but some believe it also means that fibroids are not taken seriously by the medical profession, which often advocates a “wait and see” approach. see “like fibroids. it will shrink during menopause.

There are few alternative practitioners who can teach women how to shrink fibroids naturally, and those available for consultation tend to be in high demand and charge high fees as a result. This often means that information is scarce and women often find that information on the Internet is based on anecdotal accounts.

Personally, I had had terrible fibroid symptoms for some time. He had a very large fibroma and some smaller ones. I had been given the option of a hysterectomy because my doctor thought there was no other alternative, but this was the last thing I wanted. I finally found information written by a qualified alternative physician who specialized in teaching women how to reduce fibroids naturally.

After much thought, I tested the system. I walked in with my eyes open, with full knowledge that I would have to work myself in terms of making lifestyle and diet changes. I was not able to face a hysterectomy as I was only in my thirties, but I was not able to face these symptoms for the next 10 or 15 years!

At first I found the information overwhelming, but it all made sense. It required commitment and dedication and I would be lying if I didn’t say that sometimes I wonder if it was worth it. However, it wasn’t long before I found out!

Within a month, there was a noticeable reduction in my pain and bleeding and it took another 6 weeks before I could really tell that my abdomen had shrunk. If you decide to learn how to naturally shrink fibroids, don’t wait for a “quick fix”!

The treatment I used is very “multifaceted” and is based on the fact that fibroids form due to the subtle interplay of several factors, rather than a single cause. That said, much of fibroid growth is intrinsically related to estrogen, so one of the starting points is lowering estrogen levels.

Estrogen is stored and manufactured in fat cells, so it makes sense to reduce the size and number of fat cells. I needed to lose a few pounds, so this aspect of my treatment made me feel great about myself! I embarked on a low-fat diet that was based on organic products and avoided eating animal fats and red meat. I also drank at least 2 liters of filtered water every day. I increased my exercise level not only to help with weight loss, but one of the treatments is to improve circulation around the abdomen to prevent engorgement (a factor in fibroids). One exercise I enjoyed was bouncing on a mini trampoline, apparently a good way to relieve congestion!

Another treatment I underwent to reduce estrogen was undergoing several liver detoxes over a period of a couple of months. This is because women with fibroids are often found to have estrogen-mimicking substances “blocked” in the liver that cannot be excreted. These often come from pesticides and environmental toxins.