“I hate my mother!” my client sold. This was the first time he met her and he immediately began to describe images of an evil wretch. “He hit me every day of my life! He hates me; he hates everyone. Why was I born to this miserable person?”

As a clinical hypnotist, I have seen this before. People don’t always understand or make sense of strained relationships. When someone makes them miserable, the cause may be related to a past life. People usually come in soul groups; it is a way of balancing karma. Karma is not a punishment, but rather a balance of energy. It can be positive or negative depending on experience. Past life regression therapy often reveals the significant event in which the energy must balance. You may have had the experience of meeting someone for the first time and immediately have a reaction that doesn’t make any sense. The answer could be rooted in a life spent together when that person was friend or foe.

My client’s mother passed away years earlier, yet her emotions continue to this day. We had a lot of work to do. She was anxious and quickly began her journey through her soul life. His deep level of hypnosis was evidenced by his fluttering and trembling eyelids.

“Let’s start with a past life that is related to this life,” I suggested. People in a deep trance can still speak, although their prayers are short and to the point.

“I see an ascending staircase. White, marble, majestic. It could be a castle. I don’t know how I fit in here yet. Oh, I’m living it. I’m going up the stairs now,” he continued. . “Kind of like a fairy tale. I wear a light, flowing garment; my hair is long and very pretty. I have a tiara, wow, it’s gold, the royalty is there. A burgundy robe. In fact, I’m wearing a long flowing white dress and then a robe. I am a princess. I can see my face. I am in my teens. Is it 1896 in Bavaria? Something like that. I am very regal. I feel safe. I feel like everything is great. Very bright inside. Don’t worry. I’m going up the stairs. Something like Rapunzel. Beyond the stairwell, I can see that the outside is a beautiful green, like Irish green. The doors at the top of the Steps are opened for me. Princess Madame. Wow, I’m very pretty! People like me! I don’t want to call them servants, they know I treat them very well. ” My client was amazed at how good it felt to feel pretty, loved, and accepted, something she hadn’t felt in this life.

“They do their job willingly,” he continued. “The servants. They like me. I am very kind, gentle and soft-spoken. It is so peaceful inside the castle. I am the light in the castle. The colors are deeper than my heart feels comfortable. I” I’m getting tired and I go to my dresser. There are two ladies in waiting. Wow, a huge canopy bed! Most of the bed is white and it looks so luxurious and cozy. I walk into the room and she takes off my cape. Oh, I just heard that someone is going to murder me! “

I suspected she would be his mother in this life, as that might explain their relationship, but I didn’t want to plant any suggestions in his mind. I was silent.

“I see my dresser and my dresser. They’re waiting for me to tell them what to do. I’m starting to feel scared. My waitress asks if I want tea. I definitely feel scared now. I don’t know. At that time, I really just want to get into bed. . My clothes feel nice and don’t weigh anything. I don’t want to take them off. I want her to leave. The other maid of honor ran out of the room. Door, but she wasn’t supposed to use that door. I use that door. that she should use the other door. Oh, she’s fraternizing with the guard. I’m in bed and this lady – my head maid now looks wicked. Her eyes are burning. Now it’s scary. Why is she looking at me like that? She’s evil. A sham. She was always so nice to me. “

I could see that my client was getting anxious, but I knew that he would get the answers he was looking for. I let her continue.

“It’s strange. I’m reading his mind. He wanted to poison me with tea. He doesn’t like that everyone loves me because I’m young, pretty and smart. He hates me! But why? Children. He has a daughter who he thinks should be in my position, I look at her and I know I’m scared. I don’t move. I ask her why she’s angry. She says I don’t deserve this. I still don’t understand why. She says her daughter should be the princess. Oh, she had an affair with me. Father, the king. She feels used by him. Oh, she has an illegitimate son. I try to tell him that my my father adores me. He is furious! I feel his energy. Pure rage! His eyes are evil! He wants to strangle me. I just believe that my father won’t let this happen to me. I had the other lady guarding the door. This witch is going to kill me! She’s my mother! “It was an ‘aha’ moment for her. “She wants to kill me, I can’t move. I don’t know, I can’t move. I’m not going to move. She wants to kill me. She has nothing and her daughter has nothing. I ask her how will it benefit her daughter if she kills me? She said that the king would let his daughter be a princess. I mentally say, do you really think she will love you or your daughter if you kill me? She doesn’t care- oh, everyone will miss me, being so angry, so weird . She drowns me, it’s amazing, I’m in awe, stronger, she drowns me, her eyes shine, there is a smile on her face, oooo, she is evil. I am dead now. I still look pretty even though I have red marks. on the neck. She’s swollen like a puffer fish and she’s happy. “

I watched my client’s face as I absorbed this information. It’s a lot to experience and I felt like I needed some time to catch my breath.

“I think he realizes it’s in vain,” he continued after a while. My client was still in a deep hypnotic state. “He will never see her in a positive light. Now he hates her. He’s going to get her killed. She screams, ‘But I love you!’ His head is severed. His daughter is there and sees this and feels nothing. She is empty. My dad is so sad. He locks himself in. He knows that if he had not been with this woman, I would still be alive. In the tower. Alone. Sad. He grows a long beard. He dies. Alone. Very sad. “

Learning lessons from past life regressions comes from what is communicated after one leaves or dies in that life. The meaning of the relationship is fully understood. I suggested to my client that he stay in his other life to get this information.

“She was jealous of me and couldn’t accept her position in my life then, and the same with this life. She was jealous of me and couldn’t accept my kindness. She wants me to be her mother next time. She was jealous of me and she couldn’t accept my kindness. She wants me to be her mother next time. She was a chamber maid then, but my mother in this life. She’s missing that piece: kindness, gentleness, humanity. I’ll show her at our next one. life together “.

When my client opened her eyes, her first words were: “Ugh! I have to make another life with her! Are you kidding me? She killed me!” Unfortunately, if karma was not balanced in this life, and in this case, I am sure it was not, there will be another chance to balance it in another life together.

Although she was not looking forward to the next meeting with her mother, my client was able to reconcile her feelings for her mother in this life. There was a sense of relief; a feeling of understanding of the mystery that prevented him from experiencing happiness.

Going through past lives offers answers to so many questions we have. It is a way of closing the inexplicable and troubled relationships that we experience in our lives today. Past life regression therapy can release problems from the past and help one find joy and happiness in it.