You fell madly, deeply and passionately in love. And now some – what? Months? Years? Whatever, later: There he is, glued to the TV, ignoring you from the start of NFL preseason in August until the Super Bowl in February.

Could it be that he no longer loves you?

Do not be silly.

Here’s the thing. You want unconditional love, don’t you?

So give already!!!

Here’s something we discovered during a volatile but joyful 36-year relationship: each of us always sees where us are like the good place to be

So. Although our life partner has walked a thousand kilometers to get to where we are, it always seems to us that he alone has reached the starting point, the reasonable place to be

Get over. If you want your relationship to last more than 36 years. Happily.

He loves soccer. You love, well, whatever it is you love. Besides him, that is. And we trust that, whatever it is, you love him more of what you love – well, whatever.

So what’s the problem? Are you not smart enough to learn soccer? Pu-leeze!!!!

look. You don’t have to know enough to coach the dark sport But a bunch of guys trying to run over another bunch of guys to get to the opposite end of the field and score some points. . . especially when they wear different colored uniforms so you can tell one team from another (unless you’re color blind). . . Geez, can’t you really figure that out?

Or maybe you just don’t want to. Are your feelings hurt, Dearie? Is he paying attention to this Neanderthal sport instead of you?

goal yes you if they were also paying attention to it, the disconnection would have come to an end, wouldn’t it?

So. You’re smart enough to follow the sport, aren’t you? And you love him and you would like to share what he loves, yes?

So for God’s sake: what’s the problem?

Learn the basics. It will take you maybe an hour, hour and a half maximum to get the gist of it. Actually. It’s not a big deal, Sugar.

Then snuggle up with him to watch Sunday Night Football. Golden football on Monday nights. Or whatever.

Here’s the deal: if you love the guy, why would you want to dictate what you say should be shareable? You don’t want to be dictated to youwould you do it?

so only shareFor the love of God.

Look what happens. Trust us: everything is fine.

Very good.

And we should know.