In this, our 15th episode of Madness Chronicles, we’ll take a look at the folly of inviting the scorpion of Islam to live with you. Remember, insanity is a state of mental illness, especially severe, extremely foolish behavior, and a state of frantic or chaotic activity. Let’s take a look at Islam in America.

We’ll start with Phil Knight and Nike. For the man who has yet to find something he can’t please for a dollar, Nike introduced its first ever swim hijab. The press release reads: “Nike has launched its first modest swimwear collection, including a hijab that is suitable for wearing in the water. Following the huge success of the brand’s sportswear hijab, designed for female athletes to wear it while playing sports, will release the Victory Swim Collection on February 1, 2020.” Apparently Mr. Knight thinks the alligator will eat him last if he keeps feeding it.

In news from Beaumont, Texas, Kierra Sam of KBMT – TV reports that a convicted international terrorist and Eretrian-born Ethiopian citizen did not renounce his commitments when he was sent to prison. A jury recently found him guilty of attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization (ISIS) and making a false statement to the FBI. A true repentant member of Islam in America.

Still in Texas, Richardson, Texas, the Dallas Morning News reports that everyone who knew Said Azzam Mohamad Rahim in Richardson, Texas, was sure he was a ‘moderate,’ and his friends say anyone who suggested otherwise was a ‘Islamophobic’. Turns out his friends were wrong about the convenience store operator. He was recently sentenced to 30 years in prison. Why do you ask? He regularly called for the slaughter of us infidels and he was a recruiter for ISIS. What do you think? Is it extremely foolish of us to deny the truth of Islam in the face of all the evidence to the contrary?

Moving north to Bismarck, North Dakota, the Bismarck Tribune reported that a 33-year-old father, Youness Moussaid, was charged with felony child abuse. He hit his teenage daughter with a broomstick. In addition, police reported that Moussaid grabbed the girl’s hair and slammed her head against a wall. Her bold act of him, you ask? She would not wear her hijab. Seems a bit extreme for a modern society, don’t you think?

In sunny Palm Beach, Florida, where we found a certain Masoud Yareilzoleh, later revealed to be an Iranian national, brandishing knives as he crossed the Flagler Memorial Bridge. It was first reported that he was bothering people at a local park. According to WPTV, the subject had no known address, he was immediately arrested and released. His car was later found at Palm Beach International Airport. Go figure. And get this, he had $22,000 cash in his pocket. Nothing to see here, friends. Move on.

Go west, young man, and you’ll find the same madness. People continue to feed the alligator of Islam. In Glendale, Arizona, ABC-15 reports that Myron Tyquan Clark, 31, an African-American convert to Islam, caused a ruckus. Mr. Clark was kicked out of his parents’ apartment due to drug use. He went to another apartment in the complex and started shouting “Allahu Akbar, I have a bomb!” All seven people inside the apartment retreated to a bedroom when Clark crashed through the front window. You can imagine? The police arrived, the first officer who entered pulled the gun on him and Clark took it from him and tackled him down the stairs. A fight ensued in which Clark continued to yell, “Allahu Akbar, I have a bomb.” He then tried to gouge out the officers’ eyes. You can’t make these things up. Of course, the authorities are looking for a motive.

If you, who think that all these cases are mere ‘coincidences’… suffer from insanity, a state of mental illness. Because of our blind indifference, the alligator continues to grow. I suppose some progress has been made recently. Attorney General Barr announced, following an FBI investigation, that the Saudi pilot who killed 3 Americans in Pensacola was motivated by “jihadi ideology.” Can we all say now, the 3… 1, 2, 3 DUH!

Let’s wake up from this madness before it’s too late. I wish you all good health and until next time…have fun, enjoy life and beware the craziness among us.