Everyone loves a good “comeback” story. Some of the best stories happen just when you think all hope is lost, or when there is no possible way for success to happen.

One of my favorite comeback stories is that of Rudy, a short, blue-collar, academically struggling young man trying to achieve his ultimate dream: playing football at Notre Dame. Ironically, he had no Irish luck with him throughout his journey. Rudy was told “no” and was rejected over and over again by his teachers, his coaches, his family, and even his girlfriend. Rudy never gave up. He worked hard and continued to pursue his passion.

Finally, Rudy achieved his dream! He played in a football game at Notre Dame, and he was such an inspiration to his teammates, they put him on his shoulders and carried him off the field when he finished the game.

Rudy’s story is an inspiration to me. Can you identify with Rudy?

My story

My story began years ago when my daughter was on the “Junior Miss” show that featured talent, fitness, and the dreaded interview. I thought my daughter could use a little boost in her pomp and interview skills, so I looked for a pageant coach.

I discovered Barbie Bassett, who at the time was the chief meteorologist for WLBT in Jackson, Mississippi (and a real-life Barbie, to be honest). Training my daughter was her priority, but later Barbie approached me about something completely different, something called Rodan + Fields.

Barbie Bassett was asking me to join her in a social commerce business venture. I immediately said no. How could I be successful in business if I am also a mother, wife, college employee, and community advocate?

Why not me?
A year later, in 2012, it suddenly dawned on me. How could I NOT do this?

My life was changing before my eyes. My daughter was now a senior in high school and about to head off to college, and my second daughter would soon be off to college. My husband was about to retire; my parents were getting older. Many changes!

The changes in my life made me realize that I want to spend more time with my family so that I can enjoy each and every moment with them.

So I called Barbie and told her I was all in: I wanted what Rodan + Fields was offering; freedom from 9-5, second stream of income and more time with my family. I soon started my own team and rose to the top 2% of the company. Not only did I win a free trip to Napa Valley, California, but I also met Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields!

This is MY comeback story

I had a growing social commerce business that had turned out to be the best financial decision I’ve ever made. He was right where he wanted to be in the company. Unfortunately… life took another turn for me.

Before the return, I went down the path of destruction. I got busy; I made excuses, I lost a parent, my daughter moved away, all the things that can stop success. I stopped actively working on my social commerce business and let it flow; I’m still making money, but I’m not trying hard enough for myself or my business.

Time has a funny way of changing perspectives, once again. Today is the spring of 2017 and I am one year away from retiring from my full-time university teaching position. But without Rodan + Fields, there is no way I can retire.

At the age of 51, I know that I am exactly where I need to be to change my life, my legacy, and my family. I want the freedom to make my own hours, be my own boss, and inspire others to do the same!

Now I’m back! No more excuses, no more distractions. I am now channeling my inner “Rudy”. Rudy never committed to his dream. But Rudy had to work hard and overcome many obstacles. This is you?

Are you overcoming obstacles in your life to achieve your dreams? What does life hold for you? I am looking for people like me who want freedom, more importantly, independence from their 9 to 5 life.

Come with me on this journey. Start by connecting with me.

You can be your own Rudy when life pulls you down, never ever give up!

The best of me,
